Welcome Sequence Spruce-Up
Write 6 engaging + strategic emails
to connect + convert your new email subscribers.

Is your email marketing plagued with these common problems?

You're afraid to sell in your emails... 
(( what if you get some nasty replies from upset folks?! ))

You don't want a bunch of unsubscribes 
(( what if you've *gasp* offended them?? ))

You focus on sending TONS of value, all for free... and not knowing how to turn those people into paying customers

Your inbox is crickets -- you ask for replies and get nothing back
(( are they even getting your emails?? ))

These are things that your WELCOME SEQUENCE can fix.

6 emails. 

That's all it takes to set the appropriate expectations and set up your email marketing for SUCCESS

I'm showing you exactly how to write each email, step-by-step, in this workshop. 

You keep getting templates and generic advice... 

but you've got no idea how to actually implement it.

This workshop will help you.

Welcome Sequence Spruce-Up

Learn exactly how to write an email welcome sequence that sets you up for email marketing success, creates connection with your new subscribers, and positions you as their go-to. 


8 video modules to help you write each email using your own ideas (( brainstorming tips included ))

Step-by-step instruction and examples of each email so you're not starting from scratch

Mistakes to avoid when writing your welcome sequence

Pro tips to take your sequence to the next level 

Interactive workbook with prompts, worksheets, and examples to keep you on track and organized as you write 

Write your emails faster than ever before with focused guidance (( no fluff here )) 

NEW for 2025: Week-long ACTION WEEK with additional training & support to help you #Get It DONE.

Already have a welcome sequence?

Has it been more than 6 months since you wrote it? It's time to revise and update it so it's in full alignment with your current business goals. 

Complete newbie, or only have one welcome email so far?

Come and learn how to write a whole series faster than you thought was possible -- without the confusion and blank page syndrome.

Just getting started with email marketing?

Set yourself up for success from the get-go. Come join us!! It's never too early to learn this essential piece of your email marketing strategy.

Carolyn Griffin
A Glowing Trend Handcrafted Candles

This training really explained the purpose of each email and how they connected to form a coherent series. I never understood why 3-6 emails were recommended until now.

Marie Pinge
Live workshop attendee

[This training] made it clearer for me to know what to write in the emails. As a beginner in marketing, mailing list is still quite confusing, so it helps me understand and gives me a road to follow.

Precious Stewart
Live workshop attendee

The training made the act of crafting a welcome sequence a little less daunting.

Most people who attended this workshop live wrote 3-5 emails 

(out of the 6 taught in the workshop).

And that's just during the 2 hours we were together 

Get in and see how fast you can write an effective welcome sequence.

Contact information

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Don't miss this:

Special one-time offer, only $19!
You've written your Welcome Sequence... now what? 

Get all the email templates you'll need to nurture and convert your subscribers after your welcome sequence with this complete new subscriber funnel!!

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal


We will not share or trade the information that you provide us (including email addresses). 


All personal information  you submit is encrypted and secure.


Email us at: hello@genicollective.com 

Welcome Sequence Spruce-Up


  • 8 video modules to help you write a Welcome email sequence that makes it easy, natural, and authentic to position yourself as the go-to expert they need right now
  • Step-by-step instruction and examples for each email you need to write in order to effectively introduce yourself & the solutions that your business offers
  • Mistakes to avoid when writing your welcome sequence
  • Interactive workbook with prompts, templates, and examples to help you easily write your emails 
  • Write your emails faster than ever before so that you can start selling to your email list

  • Total payment
  • 1xWelcome Sequence Spruce-Up$97

All prices in USD

